Friday, July 8, 2011

Afraid that I may have Borderline Personality?

Okay so I have had issues off and on with anxiety for years and was always a nervous child.It didn't really affect my childhood friendships or schoolwork. I guess you could say that my parents were verbally abusive over a few year period. I was never molested or repeatedly beaten. I have NO history of self harm, impulse behaviors like drug use and drinking(I only smoked pot for a couple of years in my teens) Lost my virginity at a rather young age (14) but didn't have sex again really for several years. I have never really had many promiscuous behaviors and although I sometimes got really upset with my parents and felt victimized, I was never "empty" so to speak or "numb". I excelled at music (playing guitar and vocals) and so I was always consumed by things of the sort and didn't really stay down for long periods of time. I did have a bad temper. But only when pushed. I have broken stuff out of frustration of being called a name or when something of mine was broken but never to just do it. The only real guilt that I have carried is that I did sort of had a thing with a man that was a lot older than I. It lasted from about 16 to almost 18 and I stopped wanting anything to do with him. Being as I was young and naive I didn't really take to consideration that this person had been diagnosed with Bi Polar disorder years prior to meeting me. I had no understanding of the disorder as I wasn't into studying things like that then. That person took his own life after this and that shocked the hell out of me. I don't feel guilt for it though as he had made attempts prior to knowing me during times when he was with other women. I am 26 now and have been married for 3 years and I have had a nasty temper and this is why I am here typing this today. Out of fear that I might have/or have had BPD. I don't have a lot of the symptoms as I stated otherwise (self-harm,drugs,sex,repeated bouts of depression,numbness) But I have exhibited the volatile temper, aggression,hitting, yelling, thing. I have devalued him and then taken it back later.Making him do stupid things ,being vengeful and having to have control etc. I feel like such an a__hole for this now. I was never so much afraid of being alone though as much as a fear of "not wanting to be dooped". It all started with a nagging mistrust of his intentions. He was sort of the type to check out girls. He had done drugs which made me apprehensive. But that's no excuse for me to behave like a crazy *****. I have been scouring these boards for days now in a constant state of worry. Because I have the rage factor and the slight fear of abandonment(although not exactly crippling). I was actually rather content before looking for labels. Even the worst of mood swings. I didn't want to die nor was I depressed or empty. Is it possible to have 3 of the symptoms without being borderline? The uncontrolled temper, inappropriate anger etc? I don't really have a distorted perception of self. I don't think that I need to be perfect to please others. I don't feel a constant numbness and meloncholy. At the worst of my mood swings I was overweight and this made me feel "not as good about myself". But I didn't want to hurt myself because of it. Any advice?

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