Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I wish I was anorexic?

Hello. I'm fourteen, 5'6, and I weight about 120. I know that sounds like a healthy weight according to the BMI chart but I am disgusted with myself. I have small arms but my stomach looks like pumpkin, no lie.. I have to wear my pants above my waist so my love handles won't show. I also am ashamed of my thighs, I have no gap between my legs and they jiggle. I am VERY healthy. I do not eat junk food, nor do I drink soda, and I don't eat a lot. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables annd drink water. I exercise, too. I jog/walk everyday on the treadmill and lose 310 calories (so my treadmill says) then I do a couple of toning exercises like lunges and reverse crunches.. I've been worrying about my appearance ever since last year and I've exercised and everything but have no results. My goal weight is 100... honestly my insecurities are ruining my life. I do not go out much because I am ashamed of my body, and I am always depressed. My parents have thought about taking me to see a therapist for my depression. How can I lose the weight? I wish I was anorexic.

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