Sunday, July 10, 2011

My friend made me obese?

I know all the details because my friend confessed and told me all this yesterday. So im a guy, 15 and it basically started last year when my friend started lending me some money when I forgot my wallet so I could buy a snack from the vending machine. Then he started coming with me to the vending machine and offering to pay for my snack everyday. He then started buying me two snacks everyday even though I didn't ask and just said I could pay him back next time we went into town or something. So for a few weeks he would buy me two or three snacks everyday and needless to say the increase in calories was beginning to show. My friend said it really started when this happened as he saw me in swimming and noticed I looked chubbier. But it got worse over the next few months, he started buying me more and more snacks and with an increasing appetite and him being so nice I just happily ate. Every two weeks we would go into town to mcdonalds and he suggested an eating contest where the winner got to eat all the food and the loser had to pay for it. As I was getting bigger I always won and found myself eating 5 extra large big macs, fries, ice cream and feeling generally stuffed by the end. At school he would buy me extra snacks to take home and for the weekend in case I got hungry. When I went round to his house he always had plenty of snacks in and we always pigged out, me especially as I got bigger I began to lose control of my appetite, there was a point where I knew I was putting on weight, but I felt so hungry that I wanted more. On my birthday we spent the day in town shopping, I asked if we could get lunch and snacks but he said no, I moaned all day about how hungry I was but he said we wern't eating. Then when we got back to his house he had 3 birthday cakes, biscuits, chocolate and eclairs and said it was my birthday feast which I devoured like a pig. By new year of this year I had just hit the 200lbs mark. As of today I weight 230lbs. Yesterday was our annual yearly fitness test. Not surprisingly there was a lot to say for mine considering I can barely jog now. My teacher told me I had gained 80lbs in a year and my fitness had gone from average weight to morbidly obese. These words made me and my friend stop and think. I had been happy being overweight and he didn't mind making me fat. But when I told him I was morbidly obese and how much I weigh he said it was time to stop, he had just wanted me to get a bit fat for fun but it had got out of hand and now it had to stop. Now what do I do? I know most of you will say lose the weight but any advice?

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